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Search W9NZ's log 2022CQ160CWJan

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Last 10 QSOs in the log

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0 QSOs found in the log

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Basic statistics summary

Number of QSOs166
Number of Dupe QSOs (same Call, Band, Mode)1
First QSO at 2022-01-28 22:33:00+00
Last QSO at 2022-01-30 05:48:00+00
Event duration 1 day 07:15:00
Operating time
(Not counting pauses if 10 minutes or longer)
6 hours 54 mins
Distinct callsigns165
Distinct CQ Zones (if specified in the ADIF log)7
Distinct ITU Zones (if specified in the ADIF log)8
Distinct DXCC (if specified in the ADIF log)6
Distinct Locators/Grid Squares (if specified in the ADIF log)0

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